A páramo is a distinctive high-altitude ecosystem prevalent in the Andes Mountains of South America, particularly in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru. Characterized by their unique flora consisting of grasses, shrubs, and cushion plants, páramos have evolved to thrive in the challenging conditions of high altitudes, low temperatures, and intense ultraviolet radiation. These ecosystems play a crucial role in regulating water flow, serving as a vital freshwater source for downstream communities. Furthermore, páramos contribute significantly to carbon sequestration and the conservation of biodiversity. Recognized as biodiversity hotspots, páramos host a plethora of endemic species. They also provide habitat for a diverse range of birds, mammals, and insects, contributing to the overall richness of the Andean ecosystem.

Where are they found in Colombia?

Eastern Cordillera: This region encompasses páramos in departments such as Boyacá, Cundinamarca, and Santander. Notable páramos in this area include Sumapaz, Chingaza, and Pisba.

Central Cordillera: Páramos are also found in departments like Caldas, Quindío, and Tolima within this mountain range. Key páramos in this region include Nevado del Ruiz and Los Nevados National Natural Park.

Western Cordillera: Páramos in this region are found in departments like Antioquia, Chocó, and Valle del Cauca. Notable examples include Paramillo National Park and Farallones de Cali National Natural Park.

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: This isolated mountain range in northern Colombia also hosts páramo ecosystems, such as those found in the Tayrona National Natural Park.


Páramos are typically found at altitudes ranging from 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) to 4,500 meters (14,800 feet) above sea level, although they can occur at higher elevations in some areas.

Flora and Fauna

Páramos host unique flora and fauna adapted to high altitude, low temperatures, and intense UV radiation. Common plants include Espeletia (Frailejon), Puya, cushion plants, sedges, grasses, mosses, and lichens. Notable animals include the Andean condor, spectacled bear, Andean hummingbirds, mountain tapir, and páramo deer.


Páramo terrain, found in the Andes, features rugged landscapes with rocky outcrops, steep slopes, and undulating hills, alongside varied vegetation, adapted to high altitudes and low temperatures, typically ranging from 0 to 15 degrees Celsius (32 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit.